Debian, XFCE, System Sounds, and my slow descent into hell. So, theoretically, to enable system sound effects in XFCE, you do the following: Settings, Appearance, Settings, and toggling the two checkboxes under "Event sounds" So heres what I went through: These toggles initially did nothing. This is because XFCE only really seems to support this feature because its running GTK. Usually you'd install a library like libcaberra to fix this. Heres the funny thing. On my system, installing libcaberra did not automatically load the module. I had to write a conf file into the Xsession.d folder myself to get the module to load. I don't know if this was a freak accident but it took me 2 hours of random wild goose chases before I figured out what I needed to search and do. Also libcaberra doesn't support all possible event sounds in gtk, and ive seen multiple forum threads mention the possibility its just unmaintained in general which...????